Tuesday, May 19, 2015

A Game of Cat's

Isn't it perfect that 
life is just a stream of X's and O's?
Each one blocking out the other as they go.
Doesn't it just makes sense 
that all that we see in front of us are 
cancellations, one after the other?
It's a string of blackout-poetry, 
and we didn't know that all the words we obscured 
and covered up contained the original meaning of life.
Haven't you wondered if it was true 
that who you are is just replaced 
moment by moment with someone else?
And this abstract version of things 
that you're trying to understand is just 
an infuriating game of cat's
that no one seems to be able to win.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Words that Confuse Time and Fall Off Pages

Where do the words come from?

As they slip 
and lisp from 
deep places 
and twist into sounds.

As they arise from 
inhabited thoughts 
that are illusions and 
illusive interruptions 
of space. 

And they have 
the capacity 
to bite and cut 
and jab into 
soft fleshy realities, 
while multiplying 
and propagating 
into overpopulated emotions 
and anxious breaths. 

What are words
but outbreaks of 
viruses that contaminate, 
confuse and 
consume time 
with their prolific 
verses and stanzas. 

Their offspring 
committing suicides by 
falling off pages 
too small 