Thursday, March 17, 2016

Thanks @ghostgallery and @solobarseattle for the walls. :-) #seattleartist #igseattle ##seattleartwalk #queenanneartwalk #uptownartwalk #happyhourseattle

Thanks @ghostgallery and @solobarseattle for the walls. :-) #seattleartist #igseattle ##seattleartwalk #queenanneartwalk #uptownartwalk #happyhourseattle

Thursday, March 3, 2016

I've been a little quiet here on #Instagram. That is because I've been busy! I'm happy to announce my first #carddeck. Called the Asana deck, it has 42 basic yoga postures and 8 cards that cover the #8limbsofyoga NFS yet but once i figure out how to affordably print and box I will put them on my #etsyshop #artistofinstagram #yoga #asana #cards #namaste #stopdropandyoga

I've been a little quiet here on #Instagram. That is because I've been busy! I'm happy to announce my first #carddeck. Called the Asana deck, it has 42 basic yoga postures and 8 cards that cover the #8limbsofyoga NFS yet but once i figure out how to affordably print and box I will put them on my #etsyshop #artistofinstagram #yoga #asana #cards #namaste #stopdropandyoga