Thursday, April 2, 2015

This is Mine 2/30

Now, just you wait a minute. 
I'm not done yet. 

I see you.  

I hear your scuttling. 

And you lurk around 
just about every corner. 

I know you're waiting. 
And you're restless. 

What is it with your impatience?
Your hunger?
For what?

Get your own. 

This is mine. 

This is mine. 


  1. I enjoy your art...your puddles...your poems...gritty...playful...wet and full of wonder. thank you for sharing your gift.

    1. Thank you so much for following along! So far, I am having fun with this challenge this Month! My dog is happy for the more reliable trips to the park :-

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
